Over the years, we’ve all learned some tricks to feel slimmer. Wearing black, investing in undergarments that lift and suck with industrial precision and creating the illusion of cheek bones with a good blush brush are a few of my favorites. But for us girls with naturally curly/frizzy hair, a smooth, sleek ‘do is pretty much the Holy Grail for tapping into your inner super model.
Whenever my hair is professionally blow-dried, a process that can take longer than some elective surgeries, I’ve totally got my groove on. That’s because my long history of super big, bad hair always seemed to add five imaginary pounds to my face…except during the 80’s, when they actually did. While the locks weren’t quite as big and blue as Marge Simpson’s coif, they have definitely been within the arena of Chia-pet-ness. Lest you think I exaggerate, here is the proof. http://projects.ajc.com/gallery/view/living/friends0528/
This photo gallery appeared last year within an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that compared me and my three best friends to the Sex & the City girls. Yes, I willingly provided them with those bad hair photos of myself with my buddies. And my photos with straight hair all involved a trip to my stylist Francis a few hours before.
Over the years, I’ve tried everything to tame those locks. Growing up in the 70’s, I awkwardly used a curling iron to try to recapture the magic mane that adorned Farrah Fawcett. That didn’t work out so well though – by lunchtime, my flattened biscuit-sized bangs poofed back out into their original shape. Earlier this decade, I experimented with the Japanese straightening process. Great concept, except for one hiccup – I wasn’t Japanese. The fourth time around, my hair got fried. Literally, like something you’d prepare at a fast food restaurant. It took a year for my locks to slowly return to health. I was scared of chemical processes, and turned to a supersonic Chi flat iron and hairdryer instead.
Then over a week ago, Francis tried a new deep conditioning process called Kerastase. I was skeptical, but pretty darn tired of all of the time and effort my normal hair prep took. But lo and behold, it actually worked! Folks, it actually works! Have done my hair four times now and it’s coming out just right every time, saving about 25 minutes in the process. Saying goodbye to my natural Chia pet head means I haven’t felt the need to suck in my cheek bones once since. Ahhh…it’s the little things that make life better.
Whenever my hair is professionally blow-dried, a process that can take longer than some elective surgeries, I’ve totally got my groove on. That’s because my long history of super big, bad hair always seemed to add five imaginary pounds to my face…except during the 80’s, when they actually did. While the locks weren’t quite as big and blue as Marge Simpson’s coif, they have definitely been within the arena of Chia-pet-ness. Lest you think I exaggerate, here is the proof. http://projects.ajc.com/gallery/view/living/friends0528/
This photo gallery appeared last year within an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that compared me and my three best friends to the Sex & the City girls. Yes, I willingly provided them with those bad hair photos of myself with my buddies. And my photos with straight hair all involved a trip to my stylist Francis a few hours before.
Over the years, I’ve tried everything to tame those locks. Growing up in the 70’s, I awkwardly used a curling iron to try to recapture the magic mane that adorned Farrah Fawcett. That didn’t work out so well though – by lunchtime, my flattened biscuit-sized bangs poofed back out into their original shape. Earlier this decade, I experimented with the Japanese straightening process. Great concept, except for one hiccup – I wasn’t Japanese. The fourth time around, my hair got fried. Literally, like something you’d prepare at a fast food restaurant. It took a year for my locks to slowly return to health. I was scared of chemical processes, and turned to a supersonic Chi flat iron and hairdryer instead.
Then over a week ago, Francis tried a new deep conditioning process called Kerastase. I was skeptical, but pretty darn tired of all of the time and effort my normal hair prep took. But lo and behold, it actually worked! Folks, it actually works! Have done my hair four times now and it’s coming out just right every time, saving about 25 minutes in the process. Saying goodbye to my natural Chia pet head means I haven’t felt the need to suck in my cheek bones once since. Ahhh…it’s the little things that make life better.
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